Spitty Reaches His Highest Monthly Listeners Ever

The complete newsletter containing all Spitty related news

My first 200K+ song on Spotify, my highest monthly listeners ever, masterclass series is expanding, putting on for my community locally and worldwide. I said I’m all in last newsletter, and I’m proving it right now. Read on to see everything that’s been going down.

— Spitty

I Reached The Highest Monthly Listeners Of My Life

And still going up. Over 70K last time I checked (y’all go check how much it is now and play a couple songs while you’re there).

I’ve been making music for a long time. A LONG TIME. It took years to just find my voice, my style, my confidence. It took more years to start cultivating a real support base outside of my friends/family. And then even more years to really build up momentum and a sustainable career.

I quit my job almost 3 years ago to go all in. I’ve gone all in in many ways since then, but there’s still another level I need to push it to. I’m already seeing so many fruits from my labor, but there’s still room for improvement.

Hitting these numbers probably won’t last, but it’s a motivator of what can be. I see my real potential, and I am going to keep striving for it all.

“Too Many Indians” is Causing Controversy

I’ve cracked an easy viral formula. Use some “hating on Indians” video to clickbait the audience in before switching to my own music. The only downside is when it ends up reaching more of a white audience than brown.

The comments section in a lot of these videos have been mayhem. I’ve been having fun presenting facts to people and just laughing at the insanity of others. Along the way I’ve been gaining fans, streams, and sparking real conversation and pushback against the hate/racism.

Too Many Indians is not even a top 5 streaming song from Motherland, but I continue to push it because I think the message is powerful.

Rapping In Hindi For The First Time

Last month I had the pleasure of featuring on Poojan Kohli’s new single Yaara. This was my first time mixing Hindi bars into my English rap verse. I had a lot of fun writing and recording this, and think the final song turned out incredibly.

Hosting A Free Music Business Workshop In Brampton

On top of my ongoing masterclass series, I’m excited to bring 3 FREE masterclasses to Brampton.

These will happen monthly, with our first taking place next week Thursday March 27. The main topic for this first masterclass is Building Your Brand.

6:30pm start time at Springdale Library!

Click below for my next online masterclass (live performance strategy). This is the 2nd last masterclass in the series of 9.

Flower City Jam Festival Was A Major Success

Through funding from Unity Charity, we were able to put on a hip hop festival in my hometown of Brampton. This event was ran by artists, to put on artists.

We had 4 incredible music performances, an electric dance performance, live DJ, local vendors, all sorts of food, cake, and closed it out with the audience taking part in a hip hop cypher.

As you can see from my other content, my city and people get a lot of hate. We understand there are problems, but we’re actively working to create a better community and uplift our own. Flower City Jam was just one example of that. Much more to come.

Other News

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