The Best Year Of Spitty's Life

The complete newsletter containing all Spitty related news

From festivals, to milestone metrics, to directly impacting more people than ever, to truly becoming a community leader, this year has been unreal. Read on to see the highlights, and tap into the Motherland merch as there are only a few items left for this exclusive pre-release! I’m also performing on New Year’s Eve, what better way to close out the year?

This will be the final newsletter of 2024. Thank you all for the best year of my life. Let’s do it again in 2025. Brrrrrrr.

— Spitty

I’m Performing At The Biggest NYE Event In My City

What better way to close out the greatest year of my life than by performing at the main NYE event in my hometown?

If you live in/near Brampton, come to Garden Square in downtown Brampton for my performance at 9:00pm, followed by other acts including Simple Plan as the headliner and fireworks at midnight to ring in the new year!

See y’all there.

Motherland Merch Almost Sold Out

Thank you all for tapping into the merch! Sending those orders out now as we speak (there was a strike with Canada’s postal service).

There are still some options left, so grabs yours now. The public launch will happen in 2025.


Plus, use code NEWZ for an exclusive newsletter discount. Brrrrrrr.

Am I The Best Rapper From Canada?


Started this series in July, and this 5th video is the most well received yet. Remixed Eminem’s iconic Without Me and did my best satirical take on current events.

Freestyles/remixes are how I got into rap and really started making a name for myself to be honest.

There’s 2 more videos left in this series that’ll be dropping in January & February of 2025. Closing it out with a bang.

2024 Has Been The Best Year Of My Life

3rd year in a row of being the best year of my life. All because I put in the work years before to allow myself to truly go for my passions.

This year was that “I really made it” year. From here on out it’s all a blessing. Still a long way up. Still just the beginning.

Here’s some highlights we hit this year:

Thank you all for being part of this incredible year. It’s only getting bigger & better from here, I promise.

Enjoy the ride, it’s gonna be a fun one.

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